Search Results

Results 1461–1470 of 2211
Dec 2009

Developments in para-Xylene Technology (2009 Program)

New developments in para-xylene production technologies are described. In particular, the cost savings of BP’s crystallization technology and several new UOP processing schemes are assessed. Supply/demand forecasts for p-xylene out to 2013 are also provided.
Dec 2009
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

New Technology Valuations: The Values of Technologies Under Development

This study evaluates the intangible assets represented by chemical and energy process technologies that are in the research and development (R&D) phase. These technologies are not yet commercialized but appear to have significant economic value. The study surveys twenty promising technologies and explains Nexant’s assessment of their value.
Dec 2009
C1 Chemicals and Fertilizers

Ammonia and Urea - Annual Report - 2009

Ammonia & Urea SBA Program identifies the strategic trends and issues that shape the industry. Reviews the fundamental business drivers and dynamics, covering markets, pricing, technology, and delivered cost competitiveness.
