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Results 61–70 of 2223
Feb 2024
Specialty Chemicals and Advanced Materials

Market Insights: Surfactants - 2024

This report provides analysis and forecast to 2035 of the global market for surfactants, including the following productsAnionicsLinear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS)NonionicsAlcohol Ethoxylates (AE), including AES, Alkylphenol ethoxylates (APE)Others (including APGs)CationicsAmphoterics Market Insights: Surfactants – 2024 includes discussion regarding key market trends, as well as demand analysis by product, end use (household, personal care, industrial etc) and regions including North America, South America, Europe, Middle East and Africa, China and Other Asia Pacific.  Analysis also includes the competitive landscape, producer listing, value chain development, with latest pricing trends by region and product.
Coming soon
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Biorenewable Insights: Biomass Energy Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) & Biomass with Carbon Removal and Storage (BiCRS) (2024 Program)

The technoeconomics and carbon intensities related to biomass energy with carbon capture and sequestration (BECCS) and biomass carbon removal and storage (BiCRS) for different types of biomass is presented in this report. To achieve commitments by circa 2050, industries of different economic sectors require renewable energy and renewable feedstocks, as well as heat and power. Utilizing biomass, BECCS or BiCRS reduces the carbon emissions to net neutral or even net negative emissions. However, there are uncertainties of the impacts of using vast amounts of biomass for decarbonization. The amount of mitigated carbon captured (removed and/or sequestered) when using biomass is subjected due to various factors, such as indirect and direct land use change (ILUC/LUC), fertilizer usage, the resulting soil conditions. In addition, the impact varies for different types of biomass, crops or agricultural or plantation wastes. Taking these factors into account, the report assesses case studies and correlates the cost of production with the carbon intensities, with estimates of alternative biomass prices for both BECCS and BiCRS.
Coming soon
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Biorenewable Insights: Bio-Lubes (2024 Program)

The purpose of this report is to analyze developments in bio-based lubricant base oils technologies. Base oils derived from bio-based materials or processes can potentially improving the GHG profile of industries (including transportation). This study assesses the technical, commercial, and economic aspects of producing bio-lubes.
Coming soon
Renewable Chemicals and Energy
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

Biorenewable Insights: Methanol to Jet (2024 Program)

This BI report investigates the technical, economic and commercial aspects of methanol to jet (MTJ) technology. Cost of production estimate models and carbon intensity analysis are provided across several regions.
Dec 2023
Polymers and Plastics

Market Analytics: Linear Alpha Olefins - 2023

Market Analytics: Linear Alpha Olefins - 2023 provides a detailed analysis of the alpha olefins industry including butene-1, hexene-1 and octene-1 and higher alpha olefins.  Butene-1, hexene-1 and octene-1 end-use is segmented by LLDPE, HDPE and 'Others'.  Demand by end-use and the supply, demand and trade analysis is presented for 40 countries with forecasts to 2045.  
Dec 2023

Cost Curve - MMA - 2023

The 2023 Cost Curve Analysis model for Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) combines NexantECA’s global plant capacity database and views on supply and demand with an extensive cost of production database and NexantECA’s annual price forecasts developed for three oil scenarios. Delivered as an interactive spreadsheet, the model offers views of historical MMA cost competitiveness and forecast cost competitiveness and profitability on an annual basis.
Dec 2023

Market Analytics: Aromatics (BTX) - 2023

Market Analytics: Aromatics (BTX) - 2023 provides analysis and forecast of supply and demand of the global benzene industry with long term forecasts to 2045.  Benzene demand is segmented by end-use production of styrene, cumene/phenol, cyclohexane, nitrobenzene, linear alkyl benzene and ‘others’.A trade overview of toluene and mixed xylenes for use in chemical production is also included.
Dec 2023
Polymers and Plastics

Market Analytics: Polyester and Intermediates - 2023

Market Analytics: Polyester and Intermediates - 2023 provides analysis and forecast of supply and demand of the global polyester and intermediates market including para-xylene, purified terephthalic acid, dimethyl terephthalate, ethylene oxide, mono ethylene glycol, polyethylene terephthalate melt phase and bottle grade.
Dec 2023
Polymers and Plastics

Market Analytics: Polyolefins (December Update) - 2023

Market Analytics: Polyolefins (December Update) - 2023 provides analysis and forecast to 2045 of supply and demand of the global polyolefins markets, including low density polyethylene (LDPE), linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE), high density polyethylene (HDPE) and polypropylene.  This analysis provides a detailed demand breakdown by end-use and supply, demand and net trade data for 40 countries.
