Markets and Profitability

Profitability and Prices

Profitability analysis is available for each key price setting region:

  • Asia Pacific (China and South East Asia)
  • Middle East
  • Western Europe
  • United States

Historic Profitability Analysis

The Quarterly Business Analysis reports provide a key insight into production economics for a broad range of commodity petrochemicals.  The analysis presents a review of costs, prices and margins for typical production assets, providing a valuable view of regional and value chain competitiveness.  A quarterly report provides insightful commentary to illustrate current trends, related to recent market developments.  The accompanying database is updated monthly.

Profitability (and Price) Forecast Analysis

Profitability Forecast Analysis provide long-term profitability and price projections to 2050 for the major price setting regions under three distinct crude oil scenarios.  NexantECA’s robust price forecasting methodology consolidates the many price influences in petrochemical markets.  The methodology has been enhanced over 40 years of industry observations and associated price sets are used extensively to support investment decisions in capital intensive assets with a long production life cycle.



Anna Ibbotson

Tel: +44 207 950 1528
London, UK

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