Search Results

Results 1421–1430 of 2223
Jul 2010
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Green Acetyls (2010 Program)

Technology and cost of production estimates to convert biomass into acetyls at commercial scale capacities based on both fermentation and thermochemical (gasification) platforms is reviewed. Acetyl integration opportunities and economics of acetic anhydride, VAM, and ethyl/butyl acetates produced via traditional petrochemical routes are compared to the potential "green" routes.
Jul 2010

Acrylic Acid (2010 Program)

Cost estimates for crude and glacial products have been developed for the commercial propylene oxidation process and for emerging processes via fermentation of glucose to 3HP, oxidation of (glycerol-derived) acrolein, catalytic conversion of (ethylene oxide derived) ß-propiolactone, and via the historical acetylene based (Reppe) process.
