Search Results

Results 1091–1100 of 2223
Aug 2014

Market Dynamics: Oxo Alcohols - 2014

Analysis and forecast of supply and demand of the global oxo alcohols market, including 2-ethylhexanol (2-EH), n-butanol and i-butanol. Note: Data from this report is not currently included in our online database, therefore please reference the excel spreadsheet for detailed country analysis.
Aug 2014
C1 Chemicals and Fertilizers

Hydrogen Peroxide (2014 Program)

The chemistry, process technologies and production economics for hydrogen peroxide manufacture are presented.  The costs of the Developing Direct Synthesis, Solvay's high yield anthraquinone auto oxidation process and conventional anthraquinone auto oxidation processes are compared, including economic suitability for HPPO application and concentrating to a transportable 70 wt% product.
