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Results 271–280 of 793
Jun 2016
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Biorenewable Insights: Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) (2016 Program)

This report analyzes developments in municipal solid waste (MSW) technologies.  MSW used as a feedstock for bio-based technologies can improve the GHG profile of the process.  This study assesses the technical, commercial, and economic aspects of producing RDF from MSW, and assesses supplies and compositions. 
Jun 2016
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Biorenewable Insights: Isoprene and Isoprenoids (2016 Program)

This report analyzes developments in bio-based isoprene and isoprenoid technologies.  Isoprene and isoprenoids derived from bio-based materials or processes can be converted into a number of chemical products - potentially improving the GHG profile of the process, including everything from rubber, to personal care products, to flavors and fragrances.  This study assesses the technical, commercial, and economic aspects of producing isoprene and isopreniods. 
Jun 2016
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Biorenewable Insights: Biogas and LFG (2016 Program)

This report analyzes developments in biogas and Landfill Gas (LFG) markets and technologies.  Bio-based methane can be used as is or converted into a number of chemical products - potentially improving the GHG profile of the process.  This study assesses the technical, commercial, and economic aspects of producing bio-derived methane for either use as a substitute for pipeline quality natural gas or generation of power.  
May 2016
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Biorenewable Insights: Gasoline and Reformate (2016 Program)

This report analyzes developments in bio-based gasoline and reformate technologies.  Gasoline components derived from bio-based materials or processes can improve the GHG profile of the process.  This study assesses the technical, commercial, and economic aspects of producing gasoline components, including reformate, from biological sources.  
Apr 2016
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Biorenewable Insights: PDO and PTT (2016 Program)

This report analyzes developments in bio-based 1,3 propanediol (PDO) technologies.  PDO derived from bio-based materials or processes can be converted into a number of chemical products - potentially improving the GHG profile of the process, including PTT (polytrimethylene terephthalate) and PTF (polytrimethylene furanoate), potential substitutes for conventional petrochemical polymers.  The study assesses the technical, commercial, and economic aspects of producing PDO and the corresponding downstream polymers.  
Dec 2015

Benzene/Toluene (2015 Program)

This report provides a deep technical review of commercial and developing technologies for reformate, benzene and toluene production.  New developments, process descriptions and economics are included.  Cost of production estimates for several conventional and non-conventional reformate and benzene production processes are developed to illustrate the cost competitiveness in selected regions: USGC, Western Europe, Middle East, Southeast Asia, South Korea, and China.  A summary of the current business environment and strategic considerations is also provided along with market projections for supply, demand, and trade. 
Dec 2015
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

Refinery-Petrochemical Integration (2015 Program)

This report analyzes the integration of refineries and petrochemical facilities considering integration of steam cracking and aromatics.  Regional variations in the extent of integration and the underlying reasons are analyzed. The economic benefits are quantified for three producing regions. 
Dec 2015
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Biorenewable Insights: Lactic Acid and PLA (2015 Program)

This report analyzes developments in bio-based lactic acid and PLA (Poly Lactic Acid) technology. Lactic acid and PLA derived from bio-based sources can be converted into a number of chemical products and polymers - with potential to improve the GHG footprint.  This study assesses the technical, commercial, and economic aspects of producing lactic acid and PLA via bio-based sources, and investigates future capacities.     
Dec 2015
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Biorenewable Insights: Propylene (2015 Program)

This report analyzes developments in bio-based propylene technology. Propylene, a major chemical building block derived from bio-based sources, can be converted into a number of chemical products - with potential to improve the GHG footprint.  This study assesses the technical, commercial, and economic aspects of producing propylene via bio-based sources and investigates future capacities.     
Dec 2015
Polymers and Plastics
Specialty Chemicals and Advanced Materials

Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS) (2015 Program)

This report covers the chemistry, commercialized processes, developing technologies, and applications of polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) resin.   Comparative costs of production for all commercial processes are provided for plants located in the USGC, Japan, and China.  It also includes a brief regional market overview.
