Iso-butanol is an oxo-alcohol with various uses as a direct process solvent, although is mainly used in the production of various acetates, glycol ethers and amines. It is used as a precursor for isobutyl acetate (a solvent) as a partial replacement for n-butanol in some applications. Iso-Butanol is a propylene derivative, and is produced by catalytically hydrogenated n-butyraldehyde from propylene oxonation (the hydroformulation of propylene with syngas in an oxo-process). Iso-Butanol is produced in all regions.
Isopropanol (IPA)
Iso-propanol (IPA) is a solvent with various applications including printing inks, coatings, de-icer and the manufacture of isopropyl amines, an intermediate to fertilizers. High purity IPA is used in medical and IT solvent applications. It is produced directly by sulphuric acid oxidation of propylene or indirectly by the hydrogenation of acetone. Isopropanol production is widespread globally.