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Results 451–460 of 2210
Nov 2020
Polymers and Plastics
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Biorenewable Insights: Ethylene, Ethylene Oxide, and Ethylene Glycol (2020 Program)

This report investigates the various commercial and developmental routes for the production of renewable ethylene.  Ethanol, bionaphtha, and methanol are all investigated as biofeedstocks for ethylene, as well as sugar and glycerin based routes directly to ethylene glycol.  Cost of production models, process descriptions, capacity analysis and implications for the conventional industry are included. 
Nov 2020
Specialty Chemicals and Advanced Materials

Webinar - What is the outlook for the surfactants value chain as we enter a new decade?

The importance of surfactants was made very clear in 2020 as a critical weapon to fight the COVID19 pandemic. Demand into household and personal care increased correspondingly and healthy growth is expected to continue, particularly in emerging markets and Asia.Entering into a new decade with a lower oil price environment, with overcapacity in key raw materials and increasing regulatory pressure - what will this mean for market participants? 
Nov 2020
Specialty Chemicals and Advanced Materials

Alkoxylation Technologies (2020 Program)

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the alkoxylation technology used to produce surfactants, including the economics, and markets for the production of ethoxylates.  Commercial process technologies based on both the conventional stirred tank reactor system and representative loop reactor systems are discussed.  Cost of production estimates of these production routes are included to illustrate the cost competitiveness of different ethoxylate products in selected regions.  A market review including regional ethoxylation capacities and supply/demand figures is also presented.
Nov 2020
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Webinar - Changing fortunes in the polyurethane value chain

2020 has seen a reversal in the fortunes of most players in the polyurethane industry. Containment measures implemented during the first half of the year caused disruption to supply and a sharp drop in demand during Q2 as construction and automotive output fell as well as consumer spending due to lockdown measures. Q3 has seen strong recovery in demand in many sectors of the industry but question marks over demand growth and oversupply remain for Q4 and as we look into 2021.This presentation considers the polyurethane industry in 2020 and provides NexantECA's outlook on supply of polyurethane raw materials and demand for different types of polyurethane.
Nov 2020
Polymers and Plastics

Melamine (2020 Program)

This techno-economic report reviews the chemistry, properties, technology, and development trends of melamine.  The report provides melamine economics for several different global locations (USGC, Western Europe and China) under a consistent 1Q2020 price scenario. An analysis for stand-alone melamine and integrated urea-melamine facilities are also provided. The report also offers melamine reference lists for major licensors and manufacturers.
Nov 2020

Market Analytics: Polyurethane Intermediates - 2020

Market Analytics: Polyurethane Intermediates - 2020 provides analysis and forecasts to 2045 of supply and demand of the global polyurethane intermediates markets.  This analysis identifies the issues shaping the industry as well as provides global capacity listings, with long term demand, supply and net trade forecasts for 40 countries.Products analysed in detail include nitrobenzene, aniline,  methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) and toluene diisocyanate (TDI).  
Nov 2020
Renewable Chemicals and Energy
Specialty Chemicals and Advanced Materials

Biorenewable Insights: Butanediol (BDO) (2020 Program)

This report analyzes developments in bio-based butanediol (BDO) technologies. BDO (both 1,4-BDO and 2,3-BDO) derived from bio-based materials or processes can be used as is or converted into a number of chemical products - potentially improving the GHG profile of the process. This study assesses the technical, commercial, and economic aspects of producing different isomers of BDO via bio-based sources or processes. 
Nov 2020
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Biorenewable Insights: Biocoal and BioCrude (2020 Program)

This report analyzes the various technical and commercial developments regarding biocoal and biocrude to supplement conventional fossil sources. Analyses included technical and economic, as well as potential for impacts on the conventional industry.
