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Results 311–320 of 2210
Apr 2022
Polymers and Plastics

Market Insights: Propylene Glycol - 2022

This report provides analysis and forecasts to 2035 of the global propylene glycol market. It includes discussions around key market drivers and constraints, as well as supply, demand, and trade analysis for nine regions: Asia Pacific, China, North America, South America, Western Europe, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle East, and Africa, with forecasts to 2035.  Analysis covers synthetic and bio-based propylene glycol,  end use breakdown by unsaturated polyester resins (UPR), food, drug and cosmetics, industrial (antifreeze etc) and 'Others'.  Pricing and cost competitiveness analysis are also included.
Apr 2022
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Advances in Mechanical Recycling of Plastics (2022 Program)

This report examines the main commercial processes for mechanically recycling polyethylene terephthalate, high density polyethylene, and polypropylene. Profiles of the main companies that offer mechanical recycling equipment for bottle-to-bottle processes are included. Cost estimates are presented to produce recycled PET, recycled HDPE, and recycled PP from waste material, at USGC, Western Europe, China, and Japan locations. Global recycled PET, recycled HDPE, and recycled PP market outlooks are also provided.
Apr 2022
Polymers and Plastics

Market Insights: Biodiesel - 2022

Analysis and forecast of supply and demand of the global fuel biodiesel market, including Methyl Ester (ME) biodiesel and Renewable Diesel (RD) from HVO and other “drop-in” processes.  This report includes discussion regarding key market drivers and constraints, as well as supply, demand and trade analysis for nine regions: Asia Pacific, China, North America, South America, Western Europe, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa, with forecasts to 2035.  Analysis includes ME biodiesel and RD, as well as first generation versus advanced (non-food crop derived) biodiesel, the development of governmental support mechanisms, and discussion of evolving feedstock use and availability.  Pricing and cost competitiveness analysis is also included.
Apr 2022
Renewable Chemicals and Energy
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

Market Insights: Fuel Ethanol - 2022

Analysis and forecast of supply and demand of the global fuel ethanol market.  This report includes discussion regarding key market drivers and constraints, as well as supply, demand and trade analysis for nine regions: Asia Pacific, China, North America, South America, Western Europe, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa, with forecasts to 2035.  Analysis, including first generation and advanced ethanol consumption, the development of governmental support mechanisms in the era of Net Zero emissions targets, feedstock issues and progress on cellulosic production, alongside pricing and cost competitiveness analysis, is also included by region.  
Mar 2022
Polymers and Plastics
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Biorenewable Insights: Natural Oil Feedstocks (2022 Program)

This report investigates oleaginous biofeedstocks for renewable chemicals and fuels. Descriptions of major oilseeds and crushing technologies to produce oils, as well as developmental natural oil sources are described. Regional cost of production models for oilseeds and crushing to produce oils are also included, as well as regional and country level production data.
Mar 2022
C1 Chemicals and Fertilizers

Webinar - The future of the global ammonia market

This webinar presentation describes the latest global outlook of the ammonia industry, and reviews supply, demand and trade across the regions, including the potential long term demand for emerging low carbon end uses of ammonia as a marine fuel and as a co-firing fuel in coal and gas power plants in regions with limited renewable energy generation. 
Mar 2022
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

World Gas Model 2022: Q1 Analysis

World Gas Model Q1 output includes natural gas capacity, production, demand and average spot prices with long term forecasts to 2052.  The World Gas Model includes every country in the world which either consumes or produces natural gas.  Large countries including Canada, USA, Russia, China, Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia are further segmented into sub-regions. for a sample.
Mar 2022
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

Webinar - Global gas markets: What could the outlook be?

Global gas prices reached unprecedented levels at the end of 2021, with record prices hit around the globe. Both Asia’s JKM LNG price and Europe’s TTF gas price breached the $40/MMBtu milestone. Much has been written to dissect the causes of 2021’s price rally citing the impacts of COVID-19, China’s appetite for LNG, unscheduled shutdowns of some LNG production capacity, pipeline permitting issues in Europe, low gas storage levels, and the impact of a cold 2020/21 winter.The issues mentioned above were not unique to 2021, supply/demand imbalances are regular occurrences. However, key hub prices have never held a breach above $20/MMBtu. How have prices been sustained at this level for months? We will show that there are emerging long-term factors that stoked this bull run to almost US$50/MMBtu.This webinar addresses to what extent current market action is representative of a “new normal” to be expected in European gas markets and will also assess to what extent decarbonisation related stresses will be replicated in other markets, particularly Asia.
