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Results 21–30 of 85
Sep 2019
Oil, Gas and Refined Products
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Biorenewable Insights: Non-Ester Renewable Diesel (2019 Program)

Renewable diesel encompasses products from bio-based sources that can be substituted with diesel fuel.  This report covers non FAME renewable diesel as produced: Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), HVO co-processing with petroleum, biomass pyrolysis diesel and other routes.  Most renewable diesel technologies are relatively competitive with the price for renewable diesel in the United States.
Nov 2018
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

Olefins via Enhanced FCC Processes (2018 Program)

The process technology and economics for making polymer grade propylene via enhanced FCC processes are assessed.  Several enhanced FCC technologies are described.  FCC unit economics are compared for the enhanced FCC technologies versus conventional FCC operations with ZSM-5 additive.
Jul 2017
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

International Shale Gas: Reassessing the Industry's Future (2017 Program)

This report analyzes the shale gas resource potential of countries outside North America, and identifies the most likely sources of commercial production outside of North America over the next five years.  This report also considers petrochemical production economics based on feedstocks currently being utilized and the potential impact of shale gas in countries presently using heavier feedstocks.
Jun 2017
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

Technologies to Meet New Bunker Fuel Specifications (2017 Program)

This techno-economic report offers a review of the options available to refiners and ship owners to conform to the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) global sulfur specification that will take effect in 2020.  Refiners must consider continuing current HSFO production, new fuel oil blending options, installing residue desulfurization technology to produce LSFO or installing residue upgrading technology to reduce HSFO production.  Ship owners must comply by purchasing more expensive compliant fuels, installing exhaust gas scrubbing units on their ships or switching to an alternative fuel that is inherently low sulfur.  The report also provides economics for these options in various regions under a consistent first quarter 2017 price scenario and includes an analysis of the global bunker fuels market.
Dec 2016
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

Petroleum Coke (2016 Program)

This report details the potential uses of fuel grade and calcinable petroleum coke, as well as the processes and chemistry related to their production.  Economic analyses of the potential uses are explored.  A market analysis of both classes is included.
Oct 2016
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

LNG Receiving Terminals (2016 Program)

This report has two key goals: to review and compare the technologies and equipment that are employed to unload, store and vaporize LNG; and to identify and describe the key opportunities and threats facing regasification terminal project development going forward.    
Jul 2016
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

Unconventional Natural Gas (2016 Program)

This report identifies the principal forms of unconventional gas and discusses the operational and technical challenges faced by the developers of shale gas, tight gas, coal bed methane, and gas hydrate resources.  Nexant also presents some of the methods and innovations devised to economically identify and produce these resources, and optimize well operations.  Finally, Nexant profiles and assesses global unconventional natural gas production.  
Dec 2015
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

Refinery-Petrochemical Integration (2015 Program)

This report analyzes the integration of refineries and petrochemical facilities considering integration of steam cracking and aromatics.  Regional variations in the extent of integration and the underlying reasons are analyzed. The economic benefits are quantified for three producing regions. 
Oct 2015
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

Small-Scale Liquefied Natural Gas (2015 Program)

The purpose of this report is to introduce the concept of small-scale liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a gas monetization and supply solution.  This report will identify the commercial and regional drivers behind small-scale LNG development, thereby highlighting the attendant potential business development opportunities to Nexant’s clientele.
