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Results 881–890 of 2223
Sep 2016
Polymers and Plastics
Specialty Chemicals and Advanced Materials

Nitrobenzene/Aniline/MDI (2016 Program)

This PERP report provides an overview of mononitrobenzene, aniline and MDI technology, including a discussion of both generic and proprietary commercialized production routes.  Overview of the MDI business, the production economics and market conditions for major regions are included.
Sep 2016
Polymers and Plastics

Nylon 6 and Nylon 6,6 (2016 Program)

Polyamides, often also referred to as nylons, are a major class of thermoplastic resins that are used in the production of fibers, films and molded articles.  Nylon 6 and nylon 6,6 are the most important and highest-volume types and are the focus of this report.  Nylon 6 is made by the ring-opening polymerization of caprolactam while nylon 6,6 is from the polycondensation of HMDA and adipic acid.  This PERP report provides an overview of the production, commercial technology, market and economics of nylon 6 and 6,6  polymers, including nylon 6,6 monomers and nylon compounds.  
Sep 2016
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Biorenewable Insights: Algae Technology (2016 Program)

This report  analyzes developments in algae technologies.  Algae used as a feedstock for bio-based technologies can improve the GHG profile of the process.  This study assesses the technical, commercial, and economic aspects of producing algae, algae oils, and direct production of products (e.g., ethanol and diesel), and assessing capacities and developments.
Sep 2016

Phthalic Anhydride (2016 Program)

This report reviews the ortho-xylene and naphthalene routes to phthalic anhydride (PAN) production as well as details the separation of ortho-xylene from mixed xylenes and the naphthalene distillation from coal tar.  The PAN cost of production via those two routes for plants located in the United States, Western Europe, South Korea, and China has been estimated for the first quarter of 2016.  Nexant also commented on the motivations behind the recent capacity additions and closures and provided a high-level analysis of the business and strategic considerations, as well as the technology availability from the perspective of a company entering or expanding into the PAN market.  This analysis is underpinned by a review of end-use sector consumption as well as regional market dynamics. 
Sep 2016
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Biorenewable Insights: Bio-Lubes (2016 Program)

This report analyzes developments in bio-based lubricant base oils technologies.  Base oils derived from bio-based materials or processes can potentially improving the GHG profile of industries (including transportation).  This study assesses the technical, commercial, and economic aspects of producing bio-lubes and the corresponding downstream polymers.
Sep 2016
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Biorenewable Insights: Isobutylene (2016 Program)

The purpose of this report is to analyze developments in bio-based isobutylene technologies.  Isobutylene derived from bio-based materials or processes can be converted into a number of chemical products—potentially improving the GHG profile of the process, including everything from rubber, to personal care products, to flavors and fragrances.  The purpose of this study is to assess the technical, commercial, and economic aspects of producing isobutylene.
Sep 2016
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Biorenewable Insights: Polypropylene (2016 Program)

This report analyzes developments in bio-based polypropylene technologies.  Polypropylene derived from bio-based materials or processes can improve the GHG profile of the process.  This study assesses the technical, commercial, and economic aspects of producing polypropylene from biological sources.
Sep 2016
Polymers and Plastics

Global Linear Alpha Olefins Market - 2016

This report provides a detailed analysis of the alpha olefins industry including butene-1, hexene-1 and octene-1; supply, demand and trade analysis is presented for all major geographies and countries.  An evaluation of the higher alpha olefins is also included, along with a review of the chemistry and process technology.
Aug 2016
Polymers and Plastics
Specialty Chemicals and Advanced Materials

Hydrocarbon Resins (2016 Program)

The report provides an overview of hydrocarbon resin process chemistry and a comparison of commercial technologies for different types of hydrocarbon resins.  Cost of production estimates are included in selected regions for synthetic petroleum hydrocarbon resins (aliphatic, aromatic, waterwhite and polyterpenes) and natural hydrocarbon resins (rosin).  A market review including regional capacities and supply/demand analysis is also presented for synthetic petroleum hydrocarbon resins.
