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Results 661–670 of 2223
Nov 2018
Polymers and Plastics
C1 Chemicals and Fertilizers

Nexant Scenario Overview: 2018

Nexant scenarios for 2018 forecasts consider three oil scenarios, GDP outlook, currency and inflation.
Nov 2018
Polymers and Plastics

Market Insights: Bimodal HDPE - 2018

Analysis and forecast of supply and demand of the global bimodal high density polyethylene (HDPE) market.  This report includes discussion regarding key market drivers and constraints, as well as supply, demand and trade analysis for nine regions: North America, South America, Western Europe, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific, and China with five year forecasts.  Analysis, including competitive landscape, who’s who of suppliers and cost competitiveness along with a snapshot of latest pricing trends is also included by region.
Nov 2018
Renewable Chemicals and Energy
Specialty Chemicals and Advanced Materials

Lithium Extraction Technologies (2018 Program)

This report is a comprehensive study of the lithium industry. In this study, Nexant has produced detailed analyses of the process technologies used for lithium extraction, cost of production estimates for several commercial and emerging extraction routes and sensitivity analyses for the cost of production.  As well as these detailed analyses, we provide an overview of industry trends, mining methods, geology and the lithium derivatives market.
Oct 2018
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Biorenewable Insights: Natural Oil Feedstocks (2018 Program)

The purpose of this report is to analyze developments in natural oil production technologies. Natural oils (e.g., vegetable oils and animal fats) can be converted into a number of oleochemical, petrochemical, and fuel products—with potential to improve the GHG footprint of the process.  The purpose of this study is to assess the technical, commercial, and economic aspects of producing natural oils and their feedstocks.
Oct 2018
Renewable Chemicals and Energy
Specialty Chemicals and Advanced Materials

Biorenewable Insights: Glycerin as a Platform Chemical (2018 Program)

The purpose of this report is to analyze technologies available and commercial developments for technologies that convert glycerin to other chemical products.  Bio-renewable glycerin-to-chemical technologies are currently being developed for the production of bio-monomers, bio-polymers, biofuels, and chemical intermediates.  The purpose of this study is to assess the technical, commercial, and economic aspects of producing several different products from glycerin, including: propylene, propylene glycol, propylene oxide, acrylic acid, epichlorohydrin, glycerin carbonate, glycidol, and PHAs.
Oct 2018
Specialty Chemicals and Advanced Materials

Carbon Fiber (2018 Program)

Carbon fiber is a high-value product with exceptional properties (lightweight and high strength). This report reviews the commercial and developing technologies for carbon fiber production. The economics of the PAN-based and pitch-based processes have been estimated for plants located in the United States, Western Europe, Japan and China. In addition, the report discusses the motivations behind recent capacity additions and provides a high-level analysis of the business and strategic considerations as well as the technology availability from the perspective of a company entering or expanding into the carbon fiber market. This analysis is underpinned by a review of end-use sector consumption as well as regional market dynamics.  
