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Results 591–600 of 2223
Sep 2019

Hydrogen Peroxide (2019 Program)

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the most powerful oxidizing agents known.  Global demand is forecast to grow by 4.7 percent per annum on average, well above GDP level.  Nearly all capacity is based on the anthraquinone auto-oxidation process.  However, most R&D efforts are directed toward developing a direct synthesis route (i.e., without the use of an anthraquinone working compound).  Thus, the cost of production via those routes for plants located in the United States, Western Europe, the Middle East, and China has been estimated for the second quarter of 2019.  The report also comments on the motivations behind the recent capacity additions and provided a high-level analysis of the business and strategic considerations as well as the technology availability from the perspective of a company entering or expanding into the hydrogen peroxide market.  This analysis is underpinned by a review of end-use sector consumption as well as regional market dynamics.
Sep 2019
Polymers and Plastics

Market Analytics: Butadiene and Derivatives - 2019

Analysis and forecast of supply and demand of the global butadiene and derivatives market.  This analysis will identify the issues shaping the butadiene, butadiene rubber (BR), styrene butadiene rubber (SBR), and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) industries as well as provide detailed demand, supply and net trade data with forecasts to 2035.
Sep 2019
Polymers and Plastics

Market Analytics: Styrenics - 2019

Analysis and forecast of supply and demand of the global styrenics industry.  This analysis will identify the issues shaping the styrene, polystyrene, expandable polystyrene, styrene butadiene rubber (SBR), and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) industries as well as provide detailed demand, supply and net trade data with forecasts to 2035. 
Sep 2019

Market Analytics: Acrylonitrile - 2019

Analysis and forecast to 2035 of supply and demand of the global acrylonitrile market.  This analysis identifies the issues shaping the acrylonitrile industry as well as provide detailed demand breakdown by end-use and supply, demand and net trade data for 40 countries.
Sep 2019
Polymers and Plastics

Market Insights: Styrene Block Copolymers - 2019

Analysis and forecast of supply and demand of the global styrene block copolymers market.  This report includes discussion regarding key market drivers and constraints, as well as supply, demand and trade analysis for nine regions: North America, South America, Western Europe, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific, and China with five year forecasts.  Analysis, including competitive landscape, who’s who of suppliers and cost competitiveness along with a snapshot of latest pricing trends by region.
Sep 2019

Market Insights: Polyether Polyols - 2019

Analysis and forecast of supply and demand of the global polyether polyols market.  This report includes discussion regarding key market drivers and constraints, as well as supply, demand and trade analysis for nine regions: North America, South America, Western Europe, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific, and China with five year forecasts.  Analysis, including competitive landscape, who’s who of suppliers and cost competitiveness along with a snapshot of latest pricing trends by region.
Sep 2019
Oil, Gas and Refined Products
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Biorenewable Insights: Renewable Natural Gas (2019 Program)

RNG (renewable natural gas) is a mostly methane stream that is most commonly derived from biogas produced by anaerobic digestion or from landfill gas (LFG) by removing impurities such as CO2, H2S, and water vapor to achieve a purity similar to pipeline fossil natural gas.  Other means of production include conventional catalytic methanation of waste CO2 with renewable hydrogen (made by water electrolysis with renewable electricity), and advanced electrochemical processes. RNG can be added to the natural gas pipeline, burned locally for heat and power, or fed to chemical synthesis.
Sep 2019
Oil, Gas and Refined Products
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Biorenewable Insights: Non-Ester Renewable Diesel (2019 Program)

Renewable diesel encompasses products from bio-based sources that can be substituted with diesel fuel.  This report covers non FAME renewable diesel as produced: Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), HVO co-processing with petroleum, biomass pyrolysis diesel and other routes.  Most renewable diesel technologies are relatively competitive with the price for renewable diesel in the United States.
Aug 2019
Polymers and Plastics

Market Analytics: Polyolefins – 2019

Analysis and forecast to 2035 of supply and demand of the global polyolefins markets, including low density polyethylene (LDPE), linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE), high density polyethylene (HDPE) and polypropylene.  This analysis identifies the issues shaping the industry as well as provide detailed demand breakdown by end-use and supply, demand and net trade data for 40 countries.
