Search Results

Results 1381–1390 of 2223
Feb 2011
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Biobased Commodity Feedstocks (2011 Program)

Comprehensive catalog/analysis of a broad range of biobased commodity feedstocks for various end uses, including renewable chemicals & fuels. Describes agronomic & process technologies; presents supply/demand, pricing & cost of production estimates for key crops, such as corn, sugarcane, soybeans, oil palm, switchgrass, trees, sugar syrups, oils. Analyzes bio-renewables regulatory, social & macro-economic issues.
Feb 2011

Terephthalic Acid (2011 Program)

Terephthalic Acid (PTA and MTA) process technologies; new developments and patent applications; Nexant’s view on “what is the next step for PTA”. COP estimates for key established technologies on both a USGC & regional basis (China, India, Poland, Oman, Brazil) for plants coming onstream in the next 5 years.
