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Results 1171–1180 of 2223
Jun 2013
Polymers and Plastics

Supplement II 2012 - Unconventional Feedstocks and Competitiveness

This report provides a comparison of the cost of producing representative polyolefins from several different olefins sources with the aim of showing the costs of alternative sources of ethylene and propylene compare with mainstream, conventional costs.
May 2013
Polymers and Plastics

Supplement III 2012 - Meeting Global Polypropylene Demand on the Face of More Light Feed Crackers

Development of gas crackers in the Middle East and switching to shale gas ethane in the U.S. have shorted the market of propylene and other heavier streams normally in abundance from naphtha-fed crackers. Consequently, more on-purpose propylene is required to bridge the shortfalls. This report evaluates the options for meeting future demand growth.
