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Results 211–220 of 653
Oct 2014
Polymers and Plastics
Specialty Chemicals and Advanced Materials

Polyurethanes (2014 Program)

This report provides analysis of the chemistry, process technology, product formulation, and production economics for polyurethane foams.  All major types of PU are discussed in this report including flexible PU foam, rigid PU foam, coating, adhesives, sealants, and elastomers.  A market review, including global and regional demand figures, is included alongside key end-use markets.
Sep 2014
Renewable Chemicals and Energy
Polymers and Plastics

Acrylic Acid (2014 Program)

This report provides an in-depth technology, economic, and market analysis of the acrylic acid and acrylate esters industry. Technologies modeled for economic benchmarking include acrylic acid via two-step propylene oxidation, acrylic acid via polypropiolactone from ethylene oxide, and overviews of developing bio-based routes. Cost of production models for the purification of crude acrylic acid to glacial acrylic acid, as well as the production of acrylate esters (esterification of acrylic acid) are also included.
Sep 2014
Specialty Chemicals and Advanced Materials

Carbon Black (2014 Program)

Carbon Black production technologies, feedstock and process economics are discussed and evaluated.  Detailed process economics for a selection of commercial ASTM N carbon black grades and specialty blacks such as acetylene and thermal blacks are provided.  Global and regional supply, demand and trade is given.
Aug 2014
C1 Chemicals and Fertilizers

Hydrogen Peroxide (2014 Program)

The chemistry, process technologies and production economics for hydrogen peroxide manufacture are presented.  The costs of the Developing Direct Synthesis, Solvay's high yield anthraquinone auto oxidation process and conventional anthraquinone auto oxidation processes are compared, including economic suitability for HPPO application and concentrating to a transportable 70 wt% product.
Dec 2013
C1 Chemicals and Fertilizers

Ammonium Nitrates (2013 Program)

Ammonium nitrate production technology has been reviewed, including overviews of CAN and UAN production.  Cost of production estimates via vacuum and pressure neutralization processes are included.  Global and regional supply/demand is given.
Dec 2013
Renewable Chemicals and Energy
Specialty Chemicals and Advanced Materials

Lactic Acid/Polylactic Acid (2013 Program)

The chemistry, process technology, and production economics for commercial routes to lactic acid and polylactic acid (PLA) are presented.  Fermentative production of lactic acid from dextrose based on existing gypsum-producing technology is compared to a newer gypsum-free process.  Historical and projected plant capacities in different geographic regions are also provided.
Dec 2013
Polymers and Plastics
C1 Chemicals and Fertilizers

Project Development and Financing - Keys to Success (2013 Program)

Implementation of a major petrochemical project involves the management of many inter-related activities over a period of four to five years including market analysis, technology, environmental aspects, and financing.  This report covers the key steps to a successful project implementation, from screening and feasibility studies through plant commissioning.
Dec 2013
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Ethylene (2013 Program)

This PERP provides an in-depth technology, economic, and market analysis on ethylene. Regional cost competitiveness, commercial end-use markets, chemistry review, process descriptions, and simplified PFDs are covered in the comprehensive evaluation. Technologies modeled for economic evaluation include: steam cracking (ethane, propane, butane, naphtha, and gas oil hydrocarbon feeds), methanol to olefins, and dehydration of bio-ethanol to bio-based ethylene.
Dec 2013
Specialty Chemicals and Advanced Materials

Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) (2013 Program)

This report presents a comprehensive review of the key commercial MMA technologies and emerging bio-based routes. Regional economics have been developed for MMA technologies in the United States, Western Europe, Japan, and Singapore.  Additionally, MMA supply and demand has been developed for the major global regions.
