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Results 201–210 of 653
Dec 2014

Ethylene Oxide and Derivatives (2014 Program)

Ethylene oxide is the second largest ethylene derivative, consuming about 15 percent of global ethylene production.  This report provides an analysis of the technology and economics of producing ethylene oxide and some of its key derivatives.  Commercial technologies for ethylene glycol, ethanolamines, and ethylene glycol ethers are reviewed along with regional cost of production comparisons.
Dec 2014
C1 Chemicals and Fertilizers

Urea (2014 Program)

This techno-economic report offers a review of commercial routes to urea by providing process descriptions for several licensors of urea technologies. The report also provides economics developed for several different global locations (USGC, North Western Europe, the Middle East, and China) for prilling and granulation routes.
Dec 2014

Synthetic and First Generation Ethanol (2014 Program)

First-generation fermentation ethanol and top synthetic ethanol production technologies are discussed in the context of today’s challenging strategic and policy and environment.  Technologies, economics, and markets are covered in detail.  Detailed technology descriptions and local economics are given for corn dry milling ethanol production in the US Midwest, the Celanese TCX process in the USGC, and an advanced milling process in Brazil.
Nov 2014

Xylenes (2014 Program)

This report reviews current and developing technologies for xylenes production. Cost estimates have been developed for para-xylene production via a number of processes (e.g., EB Isomerization & Dealkylation, TDP & Selective TDP/Crystallization, PxMaxSM/Crystallization, Toluene Alkylation, C9 Transalkylation/Adsorption/Isomerization, Hydrotreating/Reforming) and meta-xylene production via UOP MX Sorbex technology. Commercial end-use applications; global and regional supply/demand/trade forecasts are included.
Nov 2014
C1 Chemicals and Fertilizers

Ammonia (2014 Program)

This report analyzes commercial and developing processes for the industrial production of ammonia, including a review of the main technology licensors. In-depth economics are presented for ammonia from natural gas and directly from hydrogen for world scale and large scale processes in the USGC, Western Europe and the Middle East.  Additionally, a comparison of the economics of ammonia production from coal and natural gas in China is provided.
Oct 2014
C1 Chemicals and Fertilizers

Nitric Acid (2014 Program)

This techno-economic report offers a review of conventional routes to nitric acid and process descriptions for several licensors of nitric acid technologies. The report also provides economics developed for several different global locations (USGC, North West Europe, and the Middle East) for the conventional routes.
Oct 2014
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

Use of Natural Gas as Transport Fuel (2014 Program)

This report analyzes the use of natural gas as transport fuel at present and in coming years with a focus on the U.S. market.  Natural Gas Vehicles (NGVs) and fuel stations are covered from both a technical and market point of view.  Technical aspects including current technologies, fuel switching , infrastructure and environment/safety with a focus on CNG fueling stations are studied, as well as the use of CNG in vehicles and LNG fuels in the bunkers market.
Oct 2014
C1 Chemicals and Fertilizers
Specialty Chemicals and Advanced Materials

Titanium Dioxide (2014 Program)

This report provides a techno-economic evaluation of the titanium dioxide industry, including a review of recent technology developments by leading producers (DuPont, Cristal, Tronox, Kronos, Huntsman and Sachtleben). Also provided are cost of production estimates for the United States, Western Europe and China, as well as a comprehensive market review (including capacity and supply/demand/trade forecasts). Key downstream developments (e.g. paint formulation and nano-titanium dioxide applications) are also discussed.
Oct 2014
Polymers and Plastics
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

Acrylamide (2014 Program)

This report provides analysis of the technology and economics of acrylamide production, via both conventional metal catalyzed methods and the modern biotransformation route, including cost of production models.  Recent key developments in biocatalyst technology and process design for the biotransformation method are discussed, as well as technological progress on the potential for acrylamide production from renewable sources via 3-hydroxypropionic acid.  A thorough market review, including global capacity listings and regional supply/demand figures, is included alongside discussion of key end-use markets and key product  growth drivers.
