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Results 331–340 of 656
Feb 2017
Polymers and Plastics

Webinar Presentation: Styrenics - Key Industry Developments

This subscriber webinar presentation will provides additional insight into the global styrenics industry.  Material is sourced from the Market Dynamics Styrenics - 2016 report and include detailed discussion regarding styrene, polystyrene, expandable polystyrene, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene and styrene butadiene rubber. 
Jan 2017

Methanol Quarterly Business Update - Q4 2016

This report contains analysis of current capacity, pricing and profitability developments in the methanol industry over the past quarter.   The 'Key Challenges and Trends' section provides a comparison of the gas:coal price ratio which reveals that in fact, coal prices have strengthened relative to gas prices.  This means that in the methanol market, whilst all feedstock prices have been decreasing, gas based producers in the United States have improved their competitiveness.
Dec 2016
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

Market Dynamics: Refined Products - 2016

This report provides an analysis and forecast of supply and demand of the global refined products industry including LPG, naphtha, gasoline, kero/jet fuel, diesel/gas oil and residual fuel.  Minor products such as lubricants, waxes, etc  are excluded from this report.
Dec 2016

Market Dynamics: Polyester & Intermediates - 2016

This report provides analysis and forecast of supply and demand of the global polyester and intermediates market including purified terephthalic acid, dimethyl terephthalate,  ethylene oxide, mono ethylene glycol, polyethylene terephthalate melt phase and bottle grade.
Dec 2016
Polymers and Plastics

Demand Trends in North America - 2016

This report analyses demand for polymers  in the flexible film packaging, non- packaging film, rigid packaging, automotive, construction and consumer sectors of the North American market (United States and Canada).  The sector analysis takes into account factors influencing polymers demand such as macro-economic indices like GDP, retail sales, agriculture index, inter-polymer competition, recycling and repatriation activities.  
Nov 2016
C1 Chemicals and Fertilizers

Webinar Presentation: Ammonium Nitrates Outlook - 2016

This Webinar presentation presents key findings from our recently published supplement report ‘Strategic Business Analysis: Ammonium Nitrates'. The webinar will discuss the key trends and strategic issues shaping the global ammonium nitrates industry based on a review of the markets, prices and delivered cost competitiveness for the three ammonium nitrates - AN, UAN, CAN.
