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Results 1–10 of 24
Jun 2024
Polymers and Plastics
C1 Chemicals and Fertilizers
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

Small Modular Nuclear Reactors for the Chemical Industry - 2024

​​A comprehensive Special Report on small modular nuclear reactors (nuclear SMRs) as a low carbon intensity source of energy for the chemical and fuel industries.  This report tackles the complex ownership, project management, regulatory and process challenges inherent in manufacturing applications of nuclear SMRs, covering seven newly commercializing developers in detail, with a focus on PWR, BWR, and HTGR technologies.  It features a critical approach to cost claims, analyzing recent poor cost performance of nuclear deployment and identifying sources of cost inflation and best practices, and provides levelized cost of energy estimates for each examined developer, as well as cash cost estimates for two hydrogen production processes optimized to use nuclear energy.  ​ 
Sep 2023
Polymers and Plastics
Oil, Gas and Refined Products
Renewable Energy and Chemicals

Low Carbon Intensity Propylene - A Technoeconomic and Carbon Intensity Study - 2023

This report compares the various options for lowering carbon intensity of propylene production via technoeconomic, carbon intensity, and strategic analysis. Regional cost and carbon intensity baselines, comparative carbon intensities (including breakdown and analysis by Scope 1, 2, and 3 Emissions) of decarbonization configurations, cost of productions, and impacts of carbon tax/credits on competitiveness (including break-even values) are analyzed across four regions: US, Brazil, China, and Western Europe. Additional regions/countries are available as an add-on.
Apr 2023
C1 Chemicals and Fertilizers
Oil, Gas and Refined Products
Renewable Energy and Chemicals

Low Carbon Intensity Hydrogen - A Technoeconomic and Carbon Intensity Study - 2023

Traditionally hydrogen is generated from fossil feedstock and processes that emit significant amounts of CO2. Green and other colors of hydrogen hold significant potential and interest for decarbonization of sectors that have previously been difficult to decarbonize. This includes both existing applications (e.g., refining, feedstock for chemicals) as well as emerging applications (e.g., e-methanol, e-ammonia, e-SAF), as well as potential in direct use for carbon emission free combustion. Growing interest in low carbon intensity hydrogen has stemmed from mounting net zero pledges and decarbonization goals, and an increasing focus on the energy transition. Production options explored several global regions (US, China, Brazil, and Western Europe) and technologies covering thermochemical (biomass gasification), bio-methane reforming, carbon capture, electrolysis, and other advanced pathways from a technical, economic (cost of production model), and carbon intensity level—including breakeven values for emission reductions under carbon taxation scenarios.
Dec 2022
Oil, Gas and Refined Products
Renewable Energy and Chemicals

Low Carbon Intensity Aromatics - A Technoeconomic and Carbon Intensity Study

This report compares the various options for lowering carbon intensity of aromatics production (benzene, toluene, mixed xylenes, and para-xylene) via technoeconomic, carbon intensity, and strategic analysis. Regional cost and carbon intensity baselines, comparative carbon intensities of decarbonization configurations, cost of productions, and impacts of carbon tax/credits on competitiveness (including break-even values) are analyzed across four regions: US, Brazil, China, and Western Europe. Additional regions/countries are available as an add-on.
Aug 2022
Renewable Energy and Chemicals
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

Low Carbon Intensity Ethylene - A Technoeconomic and Carbon Intensity Study

This report compares the various options for lowering carbon intensity of ethylene production via technoeconomic, carbon intensity, and strategic analysis. Regional cost and carbon intensity baselines, comparative carbon intensities (including breakdown and analysis by Scope 1, 2, and 3 Emissions) of decarbonization configurations, cost of productions, and impacts of carbon tax/credits on competitiveness (including break-even values) are analyzed across four regions: US, Brazil, China, and Western Europe. Additional regions/countries are available as an add-on.
Nov 2021
Specialty Chemicals and Advanced Materials
Oil, Gas and Refined Products
Polymers and Plastics

Polyalphaolefins – Changing Market Landscape for Synthetic Lubricants

This Special Report provides a detailed assessment of key end-use sector trends and the global market outlook for polyalphaolefins (PAOs).  Regional PAO supply, demand, and net trade analyses are provided for 2010-2040.  Price forecasts for low- and high-viscosity PAOs in major regional markets also are presented, based on crude oil price scenarios and the PAO profitability outlook.  In addition, delivered cost competitiveness is evaluated for major producing regions when serving key target markets.
May 2020
Polymers and Plastics
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

Petrochemical Price Scenarios at $20/bbl Brent

Global energy markets have been quick to react to the evolving coronavirus situation.  Crude oil prices have plummeted as oil producing countries have disagreed on production strategies to support pricing levels given the current global supply glut.   In response to this, a new Low Low scenario offers pricing for principle feedstocks (petroleum and gas based), olefins, polyolefins and aromatics.   The scenario assumes crude oil prices remain depressed at a steady $20 per barrel in real terms through 2025.  Analysis is provided in Excel, with accompanying presentation and discussion time with the Lead Consultant.
Jan 2019
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

White Paper: Electric Vehicles – Disruptions in the Chemicals and Refining Industries

Electric Vehicles (EVs) have gained significant momentum in recent years, supported by regulatory incentives, changing consumer perception and the willingness of much of the auto manufacturing industry to throw its weight behind the development of affordable electric models in large numbers.  So, how will the growth of EVs impact the mining, oil and gas, petrochemical/ polymers industries?  Will supply be able to adapt fast enough or become a limiting factor in EVs growth?   
Dec 2018
Oil, Gas and Refined Products

Vehicle Electrification: Impact on the Refining Sector

The emergence and rapid growth of electrically-powered road vehicles has become a key issue for consideration when assessing the outlook for refined products demand.  At this early stage of development, forecasts of the extent to which electric vehicles will play a role in future transport fleets vary widely, thanks to a complex set of interdependent market drivers, each of which is subject to considerable uncertainty.  Based on these varying drivers, this report will provide a range of scenarios for EV fleet growth, and assess their potential impact on the consumption of gasoline and diesel.
