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May 2024
Renewable Chemicals and Energy

NEW Quarterly Business Analysis: Sustainable Aviation Fuels - Q2

This new report series provides quarterly tracking of profitability and associated metrics in the sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) market, allowing subscribers to benchmark the major technological routes to SAF (HVO, alcohol-to-jet, biomass Fischer-Tropsch and power-to-liquids) by profitability, region, and carbon intensity over time.  In addition to rolling output from NexantECA’s in-house cost of production modelling for the different SAF types, the service will provide key market information including product and feedstock prices, capacity developments and regulatory updates, supporting clients in addressing important questions:How do the main SAF technologies compare in terms of production cost?How do these costs vary for producers in different regions?How does the potential for emissions reduction – i.e. carbon intensity – vary between technologies and regions?Which technologies and locations offer the highest margins for producers?How does feedstock choice impact both carbon intensity and profitability?What are the expectations for new competing capacity additions, in terms of scale, technology and location?In a regulation driven market, how are current rules being implemented, and what’s on the horizon for new regulations? 
Mar 2024
Polymers and Plastics

SAMPLE: Profitability and Price Forecasts

A sample of our Profitabilty and Price Forecast report (with reference to the polypropylene market).The Profitability and Price Forecast report provides long-term profitability and price projections to 2045 for the major price setting regions under three distinct crude oil scenarios.  NexantECA’s robust price forecasting methodology consolidates the many price influences in petrochemical markets.  The methodology has been enhanced over 40 years of industry observations and associated price sets are used extensively to support investment decisions in capital intensive assets with a long production life cycle.Profitability analysis is available for each key price setting region:Asia Pacific (China and South East Asia),Middle East,Western Europe,United States. 
Dec 2023
Polymers and Plastics

Cost of Production Model Handbook: United States - Petrochemicals, Polymers, C1 Chemicals and Fertilzers - 2023

This report presents the methodology and assumptions used to generate the archetype cost of production models, supporting the analysis included in the QBA reports, which are published at the end of each quarter through the year.  Over 600 models are available to download from the NexantECA client portal.   This report is specifically geared to provision of technological and cost data, defining the configuration of all archetype plant cost models.  Although archetype plants are not modelled directly on any specific production asset, the capacity and process consumption factors of plant models are reviewed, to ensure they reflect the spread demonstrated by actual operating units.  The cost of production models presented in this report display the current plant capacity, yield patterns, and utility consumption factors for the models used in the 2023 QBA Program.  
