Nexant Training provides training courses on the commercial and technical aspects of the global oil, gas, petrochemicals and clean energy industries. Training courses are available on many topics, delivered in either public forum or as custom, in-house courses for companies around the world. Over the past 3 decades, these courses have been given in over 30 countries to thousands of delegates.

Benefits of Training

Companies and individuals attending one of Nexant’s training courses will:

  • Gain insight into commercial, technological and economic aspects of the petroleum and petrochemical industry  
  • Train new entrants to your business
  • Allow experienced employees to gain a global overview and wider understanding of the business of petroleum and chemicals
  • Learn from the history of petrochemicals

Who should attend

Professionals at all levels and in all phases of the chemical and energy industries who seek to expand their knowledge and understanding of the industry.  R&D specialists, marketing/planning and logistics personnel, purchasing agents, financial community members, and chemical administrators will all benefit from the broad overview of the industry and detailed insights into its workings.

Public Courses

Nexant offers public sessions annually in all world regions: Europe, the Americas, Asia and the Middle East. Courses are typically three days in duration and provides attendees with a  unique blend of the broad picture, specific detail and a comprehensive understanding of how the industry converts basic hydrocarbon feedstocks into the basic building blocks and intermediates, and ultimately into polymers and plastics.

At select public venues, special modules are offered and have included:

  • Bio-based Fuels and Chemicals
  • Coal to Chemicals
  • Gas to Chemicals

In-house courses

In-house custom courses are tailored to your organization’s specific requirements, built on our experience giving public and private courses and consulting to the industry over the last 30 years.

Tailored: Courses can be from one day to five days. Each day will typically include four sessions of 1.5 to 2 hours duration. Sessions can be lectures, classroom exercises, case studies and/or group discussions/workshops. Additional special modules can be added depending upon client needs.

Focused on participants:  Our recommended size for corporate in-house training is 12 to 16 participants, although class sizes may vary from eight to 24.